Data is everywhere, from personal data to company data and everything in between. Almost every interaction offers extractable data. So, it is not old news that vendor...
Tasks involving data entry are the most tedious, repetitive, and time-consuming jobs in any office setting. For this reason, many companies explore other options so their...
Sales Order Definition
When a customer places an order for a specific product or a service, they generate a purchase order, which is sent to the seller. This purchase order...
The National Academy of Medicine (NAM) estimated that the United States BIR cost is 496 billion, 50% in excess. The solution? more stringent Insurance verification
BIR costs are...
Consider this!
The order slip shows 5,000 lbs. but the bill of lading shows 10,000 lbs. shipping charges are billed for the first weight, but the carrier sends you an invoice...
Health insurance eligibility verification and the “Telephone” game, funnily enough, have a lot in common. Healthcare reimbursement laws are not etched in stone, and they are...
In the 1990s, outsourcing was an experiment that only large enterprises could afford. The characteristics of outsourcing have changed since those early days. More and more...
Every dollar saved through freight auditing is a dollar added to your profits.
An excellent outsourced freight audit company can give even a small company as much as two times...
Freight billing is complicated, and there are so many moving parts that leaks in revenue can go unnoticed. Only 17% of freight invoices are accurate. Whether they are just small...
Even if businesses are geared towards different markets, the challenges they face in procurement management and order fulfillment are the same.
The recent pandemic has made the...